We all got together one last time Sat Aug 30th
for lunch and a day in Grandma's Pool. Seth & Katherine
and family were here for 2 weeks and the kids all got along
as much as we could have expected out of a bunch of
4 & 5 year olds! We will miss them as they go back to
Kansas City and hope they come back soon!
(In the pool... front Kannin(3), hidden behind Matt is Hannelora(7),
Cosette (5), Sebastian(4), Tristan(4), Sidney(4-hidden), Analise(2),
Lainy(2), Uncle Seth, Izabelle(2), BACK Uncle Nathan,
Grandma Carol and Ryder D(4). Tysen was missing because
he was at a sleepover
he was comfortable in the pool floating by imself in his
lifejacket. He was in for 2 hours and came out a prune!