Our baby...Kannin Dashall...turned 4 on Tuesday May 12. We had a party for him on Saturday May 16th. It was an Ice Cream Themed party. I had alot of fun finding things to go with the theme. Ice Cream is probably one of Kannin's favorite things in the world...next to his mommy of course!!! We had 15 adults and 19 kids!...and we all survived!!!
(Any of the pictures on my blog can be clicked on to enlarge the view)
The party was in the garage, driveway, frontyard and backyard. This banner was in the garage...notice all the goody bags for the kids with Ice Cream Cones on them!
The balloons were held down with EMPTY Ice Cream Buckets/Containers. People were so concerned with who ate all of the Ice Cream...We had them on 5 tables...so 5...half gallons were consumed to decorate for Kannin's party!!! The plastic Ice Cream Bars on the tables were scented bubbles.
This was the "Food Table" before the food was all on it.
We had a table with popcorn and peanuts for all!
The decorated garage...notice the huge Pinatta. The kids LOVED the pinatta.