Thursday, January 22, 2009

Gone But Never A Day Goes By Where You Are Forgotten!

JANUARY 26, 2009

Gone Too Soon...But Never Forgotten

Beki (6mo. old) & Grandpa Wayne fight over pacifier 1978

Dear Grandpa Wayne,

Eight years ago today you embarked on journey that took you to your creator. I want you to know that there are very few days that go by where I am not reminded of and miss you dearly. The memories are what I have to hold onto and it is a good thing that I have a great memory! I remember the camping, boating and fishing trips in the summer. The badminton & croquet games in your yard. The Egg Nog at Christmas time and the fact that you never had enough presents for you shopped up until the very last moments of the Holiday to ensure us a better Christmas than the year before. You helped us dig snow tunnels in your snowhills and you had the BIGGEST Christmas tree in town in your front yard decorated by the "Boom Truck" where you would hoist me up in the bucket for a better look.

A lot of "Firsts" in my life came from you. You bought me my FIRST wristwatch and then my 2nd after I dropped my FIRST in the river! (So Sad!) You gave me my FIRST cassette player/recorder where my love for music started. You showed me how to make my FIRST batch of homemade ice cream. You built us our FIRST Barbie Doll house complete with doors, windows, trim, carpet and wood shingles on the roof. (Some of the best craftsmanship I have ever seen in my life!) I experienced tasting my FIRST Sardine with you grandpa! (Not all the firsts were good!) My FIRST taste of Oyster Stew and your famous meal of Liver &, ironically are 2 of my favorite meals! You gave me my FIRST job...scraping & painting your fence where you then bought me my FIRST ten-speed bike for my hard work! I thank you for the all of the FIRSTS. I thank you for the love you showed us granddaughters on a daily basis. I thank you for sharing your life with me and everyday thank the lord that I had YOU to call my Grandpa!

I love you more and more everyday and will keep your memory alive while I raise my boys! You would have loved my little boys. I am sure that you do...while you watch down on us from above! You will always have that special place in my heart. Like this verse from the poem I wrote you as a child says...

"You are my "Bampa" and will forever be.
There is nothing in this world
that can take the love I have for you,
away from me!"

Until We Meet Again,

Grandpa & 9 day old me! October 1977

Grandpa Wayne & Beki 1979

Grandpa Wayne, Beki & Great-Grandson Tysen 1997

Wayne Bert Solberg
December 30th, 1937 - January 26th, 2001

God saw you getting weary
and did what he thought best.
He "Gently" put his arm around you
and whispered..."Come and Rest."
God has you in his keeping.
We have you in our hearts.

Friday, January 16, 2009

My Point of View

Everyone shares the same moon. We all have different views of the moon at different times and from different places. It is something we all share. Wouldn't it be beautiful if we all shared the same sky? I grew up on the outskirts of my hometown and shared thousands of beautiful sunsets with my family. I wish they were here to see this one tonight from my backyard. I miss them...the South Dakota sunsets and my family!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Feelings...Sometimes you just have to get them out!

Some people will never understand what it is like to be away from the people who have always had your back. They will never comprehend what it is like to be away from the people who love you unconditionally. To be away from the people who are there for you no matter the issue or the circumstance. The one’s that love you for the person you are…not the things you have done or the way you fell into their life! When you live in a new and strange land, with uncertainty around every corner…you look for people who become pillars in your life. People you can trust in, confide in, go to in urgency and most importantly rely on for anything. When you don’t have that…no matter which direction you look…it makes you think…why am I even here? Life is too short to not have special people that are constant reminders of why it is such a privilege to know and understand the words friendship and family. A family does not necessarily have to be someone who is in your life because of blood. And a friend is not someone who can never be your family. They are intermingled and intertwined. It is a horrible thing to feel alone. You can have people all around you…people who are just THERE because they have to be; but if they are never there FOR you or BECAUSE of you…they may as well just go away. A person doesn’t need more than one doorstop in their life. If you are just going to be there for me at your own convenience, on your own schedule and just quite frankly when it “Works For You!” You can just leave. I think Walmart sells doorstops for $2.99. I’ll get mine there!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Ryder and Kannin left a cookie and Milk for Santa and 9 Carrots for the reindeer.

The Next Morning..."Mom!! HE CAME!!!"

Ryder was left a WowWee Alive Lion Cub & Kannin a Mockey Mouse Clubhouse. Mom & Dad even received new slippers!

Christmas Goody Tray Baking!!

I did alot of baking this year for all of my goody trays that I gave to Family, Friends & Neighbors...14 trays in total! I also made a double batch of Party Mix...which I am still enjoying!!Pretzel Hugs & Turtles! Yummy!!!

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies & Peanutbutter Balls

Reindeer & Tree Cookies...All HOMEMADE!!!!

An assembled tray

Trays in the back of my vehicle ready for delivery!

Christmas DAY at the Wald's

Kannin cheers on our Wii Bowling Competition

Hannelora & Cozi with their new American Girl Dolls Felicity & Elizabeth

Bjorn with left-over lunch on his face!

Sebastian learns to play baseball from Grandpa

Game Time!

More Wald Christmas

Kannin was so excited about his new Jungle Animals!

6 1/2 month old Bjorn...Super Baby

Ryder comparing tongues with Bisquit The Puppy

Uncle Simon & Aunt Shena with neices Analise & Cozette

Nathan & Amber's Family... Sebastian 4.5, Analise 2.5, Cozette 5.5, Bjorn 6.5 months & Hannelora 7.5

Wald Family Christmas Celebrating

After our gift openeing at home, we spent Christmas Eve Evening & Christmas Day with Matt's parents Leon & Carol. Three of Matt's four brothers were there. We opened gifts on Christmas Eve and ate Prime Rib that was excellent on Christmas Day!! We all enjoyed playing the Wii on Christmas Day as well. Ryder is becoming quite the little Wii Bowling Pro.

Matt shares embarrassing memories!
Uncle Isaac tries to take on all the kids. For a moment...I think he was loosing!

"I think it is a Golf Club Leon!"

Ryder was so excited to get Bisquit The Puppy from Grandma & Grandpa!

Super Hero Cousins....Batman Sebastian & Iron Man Ryder D.

Wald Family Christmas

We spent Christmas this year in Billings. Matt, the boys & I opened our gifts to each other on the afternoon of Christmas Eve. We had 2 very excited little boys all day. Tysen spent this Christmas in SD with his other family so he will have presents to open when he gets home.
Kannin ripping into his first present!

Ryder received and Iron Man Costume from Kannin. He was so ecited he thanked Kannin over and over for his costume. He even gave him lots of hugs. It was really pretty cute. He has worn this costume for the last week STRAIGHT.

He was equally excited about the Iron Man movie from Tysen.

Ryder gets ready to give daddy a pounding with his new Hulk Hands!

Matt opens Kannin's Hulk Hands and gets warmed up to fight Ryder!