Monday, September 27, 2010

He FINALLY lost his first tooth!!

Ryder has been feeling REALLY left out for the past year!! All his friends and cousins Tristan & Sidney have lost teeth...but NOT RYDER!! FINALLY...he lost his first tooth on August 31, 2010.

Putting his tooth in his pillow


I guess with inflation...teeth are worth $3!!

Early last week Ryder lost his second tooth. He is now missing his two front bottom teeth so his LISP is REALLY good now!! We had the following conversation...

Me: "Ryder. How much $ did you get for your first tooth?"

Ryder: "Three Dollars"

Me: "How much do you think you will get for this tooth?"

Ryder: "I think a couple dollars. friend told me that if my teeth are really clean I will get more money. I am gonna go in the bathroom and wash it!"

OK...I think he is missing the point!

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Steven said...
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