Friday, July 31, 2009

Days Of 1910... Thursday Night's Talent Show

The annual Days of 1910 Celebration happened last weekend, July 23-26, 2009 in my hometown...Timber Lake, SD. What an amazing weekend of... a German Supper, a Talent Show, Demolition Derby, a 4-H Fair, Rodeos, Reunions, Street Dances and TONS of OLD & NEW Friends! 4 days of jammed packed festivities!! Oh! Don't forget the INDIAN TACOS!!! Mmmm!! We have been having these Celebrations every year since 1985...and I have YET to miss one! There is definately something to be said about Small Town Pride!!!

Kris Lawien (mom) & Ashley Bohnet (sister) enjoying the Talent Show...before my mom took the stage.

My niece Macy D. taking in the Talent Show

Janal Biegler performing her Talent (singing)...she was awesome!

The Spice Girls doing their 10 minute Dance to SEVERAL different songs. The crowd was screaming and cheering every 10-15 seconds! They were AMAZING!!!

Timber Lake main-stay, Jack Bickel, performing his version of Amarillo By Morning...

"Timber Lake By Morning"...HILARIOUS!!!

Thursday Talent Show...Continued.

Tausha Kraft with God Daughter Haylee Marie (my niece) watching the Talent Show

Marie & Audrey Jackson

Brother's Jeff & Bob Jackson

Spice Girl's (post preformance)
(L-R) Janal Biegler, Kris Lawien (my mama), Jayne Pfeifle, Adele Enright, Cindy Biegler, Faye Kraft and Mandy Hulm.

Bartender's and customers...
(L-R) Wade & Chris Bollinger, Boyd Schweitzer & Bill Yuker

Days of 1910...Friday...DERBY TIME!!!

Demolition Derby Time! Every year we have a derby up at the Rodeo Grounds. It was a VERY small Derby this year...but action packed!! We always back my parent's pickup up to the arena and sit in the back of the truck in lawnchairs. How "West River" is that?!? LOVE IT!!!
Shot of the croud in the Grandstands

Timber Lake's Finest...Fire & Ambulance crews on hand for the derby.
I love the Water Tower in the background!

Marty Biegler...announcing the Derby from the Crow's Nest.

Derrick Orth...(black car #34)...ended up winning the Derby.
He has won 8 of the last 10 derbys I believe.

My niece Derby...ready to head home!

Days of 1910...Friday...continued.

July 24th : Friday Night in the tent...Such a BLAST!

Jake Kraft...bartending (and preforming) for tips! He was in a REALLY great mood!

Doug & Tausha Kraft hamming it up for the camera.

Bitts manning the taps at the Beer Stand.

Ty Kraft with Lance & Bill Yuker

Ty & myself...I was SERIOUSLY just blinking! Bright Flash!!!
(notice the yellow gum...I have a question...When did they make Juicy Fruit YELLOW?)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Days of 1910...Saturday

July 25th : Saturday of the Celebration...My sister had her 10 year Reunion at my parent's house. They had a really great turn-out. Dad & I worked a shift at the Beer Stand. I filled in for my grandpa Leo who is in the hospital. He normally works this shift with my dad. We wore matching shirts we had printed up..."Holding Up Leo's Side of The Bar (front)...GET WELL SOON!"(back) We took pictures of our shirts and emailed them DIRECT to Leo.
My view from the Beer Stand...Mom flipping burgers, across the tent at the concession stand.

My mom...taking a break from "Flipping Burgers" to take dad and my picture for Leo.

We emailed Leo pictures of our shirts...DIRECT from the Beer Stand!

My yearly picture with the Linderman brothers (Lyle, Me & Neil)...we lost Jan due to a curfew violation!

Life Long Friends...Dusty Roebuck & I

For those of you don't know...1910 is the year Timber Lake was founded! Well...for you math wizzes...NEXT YEAR IS THE CENTENIAL!!! Can't Wait!!! See you ALL next year!!!

Last Day

Kannin had his last day of Summer Pre-School last Thursday July 23rd. He has made so much progress since first starting school last October. He has grown so much both physically & mentally. He went from speaking 3 words last Oct. to 100+ words now! He will start back to his special Pre-K on August 26th...the same day Ryder starts Kindergarden and Tysen starts Middle School! Where has the time gone?

5 weeks in the summer Kannin has Summer School where the bus picks him up and drops him up at our front door. 7:15am...waiting for the bus!!!

Greeting his Summer Drivers for the last time...he always boards the bus jumping and grinning ear to ear!

You can see his little head in the 4th window from the back. He loves the bus!

Off he goes!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jaxson is ONE!

Our friend Jen and her little guy Jaxson came over last Thursday morning and we had a great visit. Jax is getting so big. It is hard to believe he is ONE already. Jax was a little shy at first...but really livened up once he opened his Birthday Gift from us. Thanks for coming over Jen and for the Yummy coffee. We need to do this more often.

Mommy (Jen) had to help Jaxson open his gift.

It was a 3 in one sports center (baseball, basketball, football)...

...and by the smile on his face...I think he liked it!

Very curious about the flash on my camera.

Even more curious about that other little boy in the mirror!
"Jax...You are such a little sweetheart! Come to see us again soon!"

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Everyone is moving IN or OUT!!!

Our neighbor's, the Schuyler's, moved OUT yesterday! (See the blog entries below for our Farewell BBQ and moving day). The same day...our NEW neighbor's the Oswalds (Chris, Janette and 7 year old twins Anthony & Jasmine) moved IN! We thought that really made for a busy day of moving on our street. At 9am, yesterday morning, Matt & I were outside cleaning up from the BBQ party the night before and looked to our right...Our neighbor's to the right of us...WERE MOVING OUT!
Now...WHAT THE HECK? The Mooney's had lived there, I believe for 30 years. I think they actually built the house! And they were loading thier last load. I am SHOCKED at how they managed to move 30 years of stuff, right under our noses. I guess they bought a property 10 miles out of town with land and a barn for their horses. They will list their house for sale in the up and coming weeks! So...The Schuyler's and Mooney's moved OUT and the Oswald's moved IN...ON THE HOTTEST DAY OF THE SUMMER THUS FAR...Saturday July 18th, 2009!

The Mooney's House...COMPLETELY EMPTY...and we had no clue!

Our house is on the right side of their driveway!

The Schuyler's House...after they pulled out of town...EMPTY, waiting for the new owners. This house is 3 houses from ours.

This is the house that the Oswald's moved into...5 houses from me.

The Schuyler's Farewell BBQ

Our neighbor's The Schuyler's (Jason, Darla, Tristan 5 1/2 and Peyton 3 1/2) are moving! Jason will be opening his Columbia Sportswear Showroom in Missoula, MT. The neighbor's of Ridgeview Drive all got together at our house to bid them farewell. We BBQ'd and had lotsa drinks! What a GREAT...but VERY SAD night! We will miss them so so much. They know they always have a place to stay when they come back to Billings! Good Luck Schuyler's with your new life in your new home!

Neighbor Chad loading the coolers with ice...waiting for everyone to arrive.

We wrote lots of little messages in chalk all over the driveway saying good bye the them. Matt showed Jason his special goodbye from him. They both had a good laugh over it! I don't think I will share it because to NORMAL really isn't that funny!

All the kids staying cool on the pool.


Matt grilling up burgers, bratts and we also had BBQ Pulled Pork! MMM!!!


More "Going Away" BBQ...

L-R: Matt, Chad, Jason (in red) Lorna (Jason's mom) , Jason's niece

Visiting before supper.

Grace & Christian fixing their plates.

Kannin and Brooke eating. Brooke was obsessed with the Oreo Salad!

Our neighbor's...Darla (in pink) & Jason (in the red). They are the "Moving" neighbors. The guy standing in the back in the grey T-shirt is Chris Oswald. He is our new neighbor who is moving in to his house, 2 houses down from Jason & Darla, the same day J&D are moving out! You kinda had to be there to get the story behind the above picture...but Jason was commenting on Free U-Haul storage rentals and the fact that Darla didn't take U-Haul up on that!..."That's My Wife! Spending More $$$...Throwing $40,000 up in the air...Let It Rain $$"...Like I kinda had to be there!

More Farewell BBQ

Neighbor kids enjoying the Roller Coaster.

Everyone visiting in our driveway.

So much food...such a nice sad they are moving!

More neighbors visiting!

The kids having races in the street.

Jason shows Peyton the PROPER TECHNIQUE to Hula Hoop!