Thursday, July 30, 2009

Last Day

Kannin had his last day of Summer Pre-School last Thursday July 23rd. He has made so much progress since first starting school last October. He has grown so much both physically & mentally. He went from speaking 3 words last Oct. to 100+ words now! He will start back to his special Pre-K on August 26th...the same day Ryder starts Kindergarden and Tysen starts Middle School! Where has the time gone?

5 weeks in the summer Kannin has Summer School where the bus picks him up and drops him up at our front door. 7:15am...waiting for the bus!!!

Greeting his Summer Drivers for the last time...he always boards the bus jumping and grinning ear to ear!

You can see his little head in the 4th window from the back. He loves the bus!

Off he goes!

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